
A complete guide to CI/CD Pipelines with CircleCI, Docker and Terraform

Setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline has become something that every project requires from the start these days to enforce high-quality code. I see it in all kinds of projects no matter if it’s for the web, data science, machine learning and so on.

With a CI/CD pipeline, you can enforce that any code that gets merged to your release branch and deployed into your production passes all tests and checks that you have configured such as unit tests, integration tests or linter checks.

A lot of guides out there will give you minimum examples to allow you to quickly get going. But what about a real, production pipeline using common open-source tools used for larger projects? In this guide, we will cover the complete pipeline required to deploy new code to this website that you are reading this article on.

The technologies that we will rely on will be:

  • CircleCI
  • Docker
  • Packer
  • Terraform
  • DigitalOcean
  • Ansible

We will use all of these technologies to test, build and deploy a Python application.

Don’t worry if you are not using all of these tools within your specific application or pipeline, you can still learn a tremendous amount from this guide and skip any steps that you do not depend on. Also, this guide is still relevant no matter if you are using Python or not.

High Overview of our DevOps Pipeline

Our pipeline will be using CircleCI as a CI/CD Platform. CircleCI is free to use and is one of the most common platforms to use. They also offer an enterprise version that allows you to self-host the software on your own instance if you want to be in full control – something that is quite common within larger businesses.

The pipeline will include the following steps:

  1. Install Python Dependencies.
  2. Run flake8 lint checks to identify easy to catch syntax errors.
  3. Run unit tests.
  4. Create JUnit test coverage reports.
  5. Build a Docker Image and push it to the registry.
  6. Build a machine image at DigitalOcean using Packer.
  7. Use Terraform to build and update DigitalOcean infrastructure with the latest machine image.

Prepare our CircleCI config

CircleCI understands the pipeline that it should execute based on the CircleCI config that you provide within your git repository. This config should be stored within .circleci/config.yml. It is simply a YAML file that defines each step to be executed.

The initial config to start of with for our case will be:

version: 2

        working_directory: ~/workspace
            - image: circleci/python:3.6.4
                    RDS_DB_NAME: circleci
                    RDS_HOST: localhost
                    RDS_PORT: 5432
                    RDS_USERNAME: root
            - image: circleci/postgres:9.6
                    POSTGRES_USER: root
                    POSTGRES_DB: circleci
        - checkout

All we are doing here is setting up the environment required for us to run our pipeline on. In our case, we are testing this specific website which depends on a PostgreSQL database and a Python 3.6 image.

A few things to note:

  • The working_directory is where our code repository will live.
  • The first image defined is the image that will be used to execute our code and our pipeline. The order of the images defined matters.
  • We run our tests against the real type of database that we use in production, we do not replace the usage of PostgreSQL with something like SQLite just because it is “easier”. We want our tests to run against something with a low discrepancy to production.
  • We follow the 12 Factor App and define all our configuration such as hostnames, passwords, and usernames as environment variables within our codebase. This easily allows us to point the database used by the code to this temporary PostgreSQL container.
  • The steps key will be where we list all the steps of our pipeline. In this case, we simply include the checkout step which will clone our code into the Python Docker image defined to be used.

Install our Python Dependencies

In the case of my pipeline, I split up the dependencies required for my application to run and the dependencies that are required for me to deploy my application. This makes the dependency installation slightly faster since the ones required to run the application are installed every time, while the one required for deployment is only installed when the master branch is updated.

To install the dependencies, I add the following to my steps key. Note that the ... is simply there to shorten the code example and hide the other steps that have already been defined.

        name: Install dependencies.
            command: sudo pip install -Ur requirements.txt

As mentioned above, this requirements.txt file includes all my pip dependencies that are required to lint, test and run my application.

Run Flake8 Linter and Store Results in Test Report

After installing our dependencies it is time to do our first checks. The first thing we will do (because its usually one of the fastest and will error our early if something is wrong) is to lint our codebase using flake8.

A linter is a static analysis tool that allows us to easily catch simply errors such as styling mistakes, syntax errors or logical errors such as passing in the wrong type of variable into a function that expects something else.

        name: Run linter.
        working_directory: ~/workspace/src
        command: |
            mkdir -p test-reports/flake8
            flake8 . --output-file=test-reports/flake8/flake8.txt

There are multiple things to note about this section:

  • We override the working_directory to run the command from a subfolder of our repository. This has simply to do with how my specific repository is structured and I want to avoid running the linter on other folders of my codebase.
  • We use a pipe symbol | in our command section which allows us to give a multiline input to execute two separate commands.
  • We use mkdir to create a new directory to hold our test report from the flake8 command. This is required if we want to later display the lint errors neatly within CircleCI instead of the console.
  • We run flake8 using the --output-file option where we define the path of where we want to store the output. Note that we also namespace the report using a /flake8/ folder name. This helps with presenting the report within CircleCI in a more neat manner.

Run Unit Tests and Generate JUnit Test Report in Python

Next up is to run our unit tests. The unit tests do usually take longer than running the linter, which is the reason why it is the second thing we do within the pipeline.

We could of course just run our unit tests using the normal python -m unittest discover . command, but one of the main reasons why we use a proper CI/CD Pipeline Tool such as CircleCI is to allow us to neatly, in a human-readable format, display any issues so that anyone in our team can quickly understand what is going wrong with a build – no matter how technical they are.

If we want to neatly display any errors on issues within CircleCI we have to store the Python Unittest results in a test report following the JUnit format. This is unfortunately not natively supported within Python.

Luckily, there is a great package named unittest-xml-reporting PyPi that allows us to do this. The package itself contains a test runner that we use to run our test suite, and it will automatically generate the report for us.

The package can be executed to run any tests, but it also got a nice integration with Django and its ./ test command which I am taking advantage of.

Make sure that you install it using pip and make sure that your test suite is executed with its test-runner.

On top of that, we also want to generate a coverage report that informs us of the total test coverage of our codebase. This will be done using the popular coverage package.

After making sure that both of these dependencies are installed and included in our requirements.txt file, we simply run it (with Django’s build in management test command) with the following definition:

        name: Run tests.
        working_directory: ~/workspace/src
        command: coverage run test

Within our Django config, we define that the test report is stored within ./test-reports/unittest folder which just like the flake8 output is namespaced with a /unittest/ folder.

Generate JUnit Flake8 Reports and Coverage HTML Reports

After we have executed our linter, and ran all of our tests, it is now time to finalize the test report output. The unittest report is already formatted within the JUnit format, but the flake8 output is still plain text, and we have still not generated anything from our coverage command.

        name: Create Test Reports.
        working_directory: ~/workspace/src
        command: |
            flake8_junit test-reports/flake8/flake8.txt test-reports/flake8/flake8_junit.xml
            coverage html -d test-reports/coverage
        when: always

By using the tool flake8-junit-report (PyPi) we can convert the plain text output that we stored earlier in the flake8 step into JUnit XML format. Note that we store it within the same folder namespaced with /flake8/.

We use coverage html to generate HTML output based on whatever was executed with the coverage run command that we executed in the previous step. Once again, we make sure to namespace it with the /coverage/ subdirectory.

After this step, we have not generated the following reports:

  • JUnit Unit Test Report.
  • JUnit Flake8 XML Report.
  • HTML Coverage Report.

Note that we also write when: always. This means that this step will execute no matter if our pipeline is a success or a failure. If a step fails it will always make sure that the reports get generated, which allows the developer to always inspect and understand what went wrong.

Finally, to make sure that our pipeline actually uploads and store these reports so that they can be viewed after the pipeline has finished executing, you must add the following steps to the bottom of your pipeline.

    - store_test_results:
            path: myapp/test-reports

    - store_artifacts:
            path: myapp/test-reports
            destination: tr1

Setup SSH Keys and Docker Commands in CircleCI Pipeline

The steps so far have been things that we want to execute with every branch that has commits coming into it. We always want to lint and test our code. Next up will be steps related to packaging, building and deploying our application. This will only be done on the master branch.

To prepare for those steps, it is now time to install any dependencies that are required for this.

First of all, make sure that you add the following steps to the top of your steps list.

    - checkout

    - setup_remote_docker:
            docker_layer_caching: yes

    - add_ssh_keys:
                - 97:72:82:74:n2:29:12:fa:3f:hd:fk:14:a2:63:6c:ec

The setup_remote_docker command simply enables us to use Docker commands such as build, push, login in future steps.

The add_ssh_keys is a crucial step that allows us to include SSH Keys in our pipeline that are required for us to later communicate with the nodes that exist within our infrastructure. Note that the fingerprint string must be added manually within the CircleCI dashboard to be able to be imported/added in this manner.

Installing Dependencies such as Terraform, Packer, Ansible and Docker in CircleCI

Next up is installing the rest of the programs that must exist on our instance to allow us to use the tools required for us to package and deploy our application.

These tools are:

  • Terraform
  • Packer
  • Ansible
  • Docker

Docker and Ansible can be installed using pip and since we are already running our pipeline in a python Docker image, this is incredibly easy with a pip install ansible docker command.

Unfortunately, Terraform and Packer are not as easy to install and instead it requires us to manually download the executables and unpack them on our instance. Because of this, I decided to put that logic in a separate shell script.

The final step that installs the dependencies are:

        name: Install Deployment Dependencies.
        command: |
            if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
                sudo bash resources/
                sudo pip install ansible docker

Note that we wrap the command in an if statement that makes sure it only executes on the master branch.

The script look like the following:

set -e

if [ ! -f "${CIRCLECI_CACHE_DIR}/packer" ] || [[ ! "$(packer version)" =~ "Packer v${PACKER_VERSION}" ]]; then
    wget -O /tmp/ "${PACKER_URL}"
    unzip -oud "${CIRCLECI_CACHE_DIR}" /tmp/

if [ ! -f "${CIRCLECI_CACHE_DIR}/terraform" ] || [[ ! "$(terraform version)" =~ "Terraform v${PACKER_VERSION}" ]]; then
    wget -O /tmp/ "${TERRAFORM_URL}"
    unzip -oud "${CIRCLECI_CACHE_DIR}" /tmp/

packer version
terraform version

Just to quickly summarize what the script actually does:

  • Define a bunch of constants that allow us to easily change things such as the Packer or Terraform versions in the future.
  • The first if statement checks if Packer is installed, if not then it pulls it down using wget and then unzips it into /usr/local/bin which is part of the executable PATH.
  • The second if statement checks if Terraform is installed, if not then it pulls it down using wget and then unzips it into /usr/local/bin which is part of the executable PATH.
  • Print out the Terraform version and the Packer version just to verify that the installation was successful.

Build, Tag and Push Docker Image with Ansible in CI/CD Pipeline

After we have installed all the dependencies required, it is finally time for us to start building our application to prepare for it to be deployed in the cloud. To do this, we will build it into a Docker Image using Ansible.

To achieve this, we add the following step to our steps list:

    - deploy:
            name: Building, Tagging and Pushing Docker Images
            command: |
                if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
                    ansible-playbook resources/packer/ansible/build.yaml

All it does is that it runs our build.yaml playbook if we are on the master branch. Note that we use deploy instead of run to make it explicit that its part of the deployment.

The playbook itself looks like this:

- name: Build, Tag and Push Docker Image from Local folder.
    connection: local
        - app-build

As you can see from the playbook, the hosts and connection keys make sure that the playbook is executed locally. It is not reaching out to any remote instance.

The app-build role look like this:

- name: Login to Docker
        username: "{{ lookup('env','DOCKER_USERNAME') }}"
        password: "{{ lookup('env','DOCKER_PASSWORD') }}"

- name: Build Docker Image
                ENV: prod
            path: ./../../../src
            pull: yes
        name: myuser/myapp
        source: build
        state: present
        tag: latest

- name: Generate git commit hash
    command: git log -n 1 --format="%h"
    register: commit_hash

- name: Tag and push image with commit hash
        name: myuser/myapp:latest
        repository: "myuser/myapp:"
        push: yes
        source: local

- name: Push image with latest tag
        name: myuser/myapp
        tag: latest
        push: yes
        source: local

Let’s walk through the full ansible role together:

  • Login to our private Docker Registry which allows us to both pull and push to it in the following commands. The credentials are stored as environment variables that are set in the CircleCI dashboard.
  • We build the Docker Image. The path is simply the backward path to get to our src directory where our Dockerfile exists. In your case, it might be a bit different. The name is the name of our image.
  • We do not want to store all of our Docker images as :latest tag, instead we want to version them properly. We do this by tagging each image with a subset of its commit hash using the git log command which outputs the latest commits hash value. We store this in the commit_hash variable.
  • We tag the existing image that we just built with the new commit hash and we push it to the Docker Registry.
  • We push the existing image that we built with the latest tag to the Docker Registry.

Now we’ve done with building our application and it is time to prepare to actually deploy it.

Generate a Packer Machine Image at DigitalOcean in Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Next up is to prepare our cloud machine image that will be the base of each compute node at DigitalOcean. This will be done using Packer.

Why do we want to create a machine image and not just use some script that SSH into the instances and update them? Well, Terraform works by identifying changes to its plan and then updating the infrastructure to match these changes.

In theory, you could manually tint nodes to force them to be rebuilt and to pull the latest image, but a more natural way of doing it is to simply update the machine image of each node itself, and make Terraform automatically recognize that the state has changed and then apply the changes required to match the clouds state with its Terraform definition.

This is done using the following step added to our steps list:

- deploy:
    name: Building Packer Image
    working_directory: ~/workspace/resources/packer
    command: |
        if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
            packer build -machine-readable web.json | tee web.log
            echo "export PACKER_IMAGE_ID=$(grep 'artifact,0,id' web.log | cut -d: -f2)" >> $BASH_ENV

Here we have some quite interesting things going on that took quite a while to figure out:

  • We change the working_directory to our packer folder to make sure that the commands get executed in the correct context.
  • We use packer to build our web.json machine image definition and we pipe it to tee web.log to save all the output to a file. Note that we use the -machine-readable flag to make it easier to parse the output later.
  • We use grep to extract the newly created DigitalOcean Droplet ID and store it in the PACKER_IMAGE_ID environment variable. This ID is crucial to store to later tell Terraform which version to deploy.
  • Note that we actually use echo "..." >> $BASH_ENV to store our environment variable. This is because of CircleCI’s limitation. We can not define environments directly, instead, we have to add it to the $BASH_ENV which will be sourced/read later and then the ENV will be defined.

The web.json Packer file is unique for each project, but all mine includes is ansible provisioner that pull down and run our Docker Image that we created in an earlier step.

Use Terraform to Provision Packer and Docker Image on DigitalOcean in CircleCI Pipeline

Finally, we have come to the stage where we are ready to deploy the actual application. So far we have just tested and built our application – and it has been quite a lot of work to get it right.

Luckily, by using Terraform with our prebuild Packer image, it will be very easy to achieve rolling deployments of our infrastructure and get our new version of our application up and running in the production environment without any downtime. All we have to do is to tell Terraform that our Droplet ID has changed.

The two last steps simply apply terraform init, terraform plan and terraform apply which means that it informs DigitalOcean to update any infrastructure that does not match the Infrastructure as Code definitions.

    - deploy:
            name: Terraform Init and Plan
            working_directory: ~/workspace/resources/terraform
            command: |    
                if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
                    terraform init -force-copy -input=false
                    terraform plan \
                        -var "web_image_id=${PACKER_IMAGE_ID}" \
                        -var "pvt_key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_97728274n22912fa3fhdfk14a2636cec"

    - deploy:
            name: Terraform Apply
            working_directory: ~/workspace/resources/terraform
            command: |    
                if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
                    terraform apply \
                        -auto-approve \
                        -var "web_image_id=${PACKER_IMAGE_ID}" \
                        -var "pvt_key=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_97728274n22912fa3fhdfk14a2636cec"

Note the following things about these steps:

  • We inject the web_image_id variable from the PACKER_IMAGE_ID variable that we set earlier in the packer build step. This ID is referred to in the Terraform web server droplet defintion. When this value is changed (in each build) Terraform forces new droplets to be provisioned.
  • We inject the pvt_key variable to be the path of our SSH key required to communicate with our DigitalOcean infrastructure. This SSH key was added because of the add_ssh_keys step that we defined at the top of our steps list. Note that the file name is based on the fingerprint but without any colons (:).

Conclusions and Summary

As you have noticed by following this guide, it is quite an extensive pipeline that takes quite a lot of work to setup. However, it does cover everything from A-Z when it comes to testing, linting, building and deploying your application.

There are multiple things that can be improved upon this pipeline such as:

Implement caching to avoid having to install dependencies on each run. Remove the if statements that check for the branch and use the native CircleCI syntax instead. In case there is no need to actually store the Docker Image in a Registry, perhaps the Docker Build step could be ignored and everything could be done in the Packer step.

Do you have any other ideas on how this pipeline could be improved?